
Previous Versions

A fully-responsive, personal portfolio built with HTML/CSS/JavaScript that was a previous iteration of the website you are currently viewing.A fully-responsive, personal portfolio built with HTML/CSS/JavaScript that was a previous iteration of the website you are currently viewing.

Technologies: HTML/CSS, Zurb Foundation, JavaScript and jQuery.

A fully-responsive, portfolio created with a contact form.A fully-responsive, portfolio created with a contact form.

Technologies: HTML/CSS, JavaScript and PHP.

Current Site

I consider this current iteration of my site my digital playground. I've learned a lot about GraphQL, Gatsby and my digital creativity through maintaining this site.I consider this current iteration of my site my digital playground. I've learned a lot about GraphQL, Gatsby and my digital creativity through maintaining this site.

Technologies: GatsbyJS, a React Framework, Webmentions, GraphQL, Markdown and MDX